The host of the exhibition, Wang Duanting

2 min readMay 26, 2021

‘Digital technology pervades all areas of human life and the COVID-19 accelerates the pace of digital technology development and deepens the degree of digital production and life .In the field of art, digital art creation has more than thirty years of history and has accumulated a considerable wealth of successful experience. The way of accepting and appreciating art has also undergone profound changes helping by network communication channels.’ Wang Duanting said.

‘In recent years, NFT technology has been used in art collections, changing the traditional art collection. This new thing has also aroused great concern in china’s art circles, and has become a hot topic in the art circle recently. I have always believed that technology itself is not divided between right and wrong, the problem is the moral values of technology users. In any case, we cannot avoid new technologies, we should make good use of them in order to promote the healthy development of society.’ Wang Duanting said.


Wang Duanting, Director of the Foreign Art Research Office of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Arts.

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